the 3-3-3-rule

Overwhelmed by the 2024 election? Use the 3-3-3 rule

Feeling stressed about the 2024 election? You're not alone. The nonstop news, heated debates, and constant opinions can make anyone feel anxious. But there’s an easy way to calm down when things start to feel like too much: the 3-3-3 rule.

In this article, you’ll learn exactly what the 3-3-3 rule is, how it works, and how you can use it during election conversations—or anytime you feel stressed out.

What’s the 3-3-3 rule?

The 3-3-3 rule is a super simple technique to bring your focus back to the present moment and away from whatever is making you feel anxious. Here’s how it works:

  1. Look around and name 3 things you can see.
  2. Pause and listen for 3 things you can hear.
  3. Finally, move 3 parts of your body—maybe your fingers, toes, or shoulders.

This exercise shifts your attention from the overwhelming thoughts in your head to the things happening around you, making it easier to get grounded and calm down.

How to use the 3-3-3 rule in election conversations

We all know election talk can get intense fast. Maybe someone at work starts a political conversation, or you scroll through your phone and see one too many opinionated posts. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, the 3-3-3 rule is here to help.

Let’s say you’re in a conversation, and it’s getting heated. Before you react, pause and mentally go through the 3-3-3 rule. Look around—what can you see? Maybe it’s the plants in the room or a book on the table. Then, tune in to what you can hear: maybe distant traffic or even the hum of a fan. Finally, wiggle your toes or stretch your fingers to complete the third step.

It only takes a few seconds, but it can really help calm you down so you can continue the conversation—or decide it’s time to take a break—without feeling frazzled.

Applying the 3-3-3 rule in other stressful moments

The beauty of the 3-3-3 rule is that it’s useful for more than just election season. You can use it any time you feel anxious or stressed, whether you’re nervous before a big meeting, stuck in traffic, or overwhelmed at a social event.

For example, if you’re out with friends and start to feel socially anxious, run through the 3-3-3 rule. Name three things you can see—maybe the color of someone’s shirt or the way the light hits the room. Then listen for three things—maybe laughter or the clink of glasses. Finally, stretch your arms or wiggle your feet.

In just a few moments, you’ll find that your mind is back in the present, and those anxious feelings will begin to fade. It’s a quick and easy way to reset when stress hits.

Why the 3-3-3 rule works

So, why does the 3-3-3 rule work so well? It’s all about mindfulness. By tuning in to your surroundings and your body, you’re pulling yourself out of that spiral of stressful thoughts and reconnecting with the present moment. Research shows that being mindful—even for a short time—can lower anxiety and help you feel more in control.

The best part? You don’t need anything special to use the 3-3-3 rule. You can do it anytime, anywhere. It’s a simple tool that you can pull out whenever you start to feel overwhelmed, whether you’re at home, at work, or even in the middle of a conversation.

Stay calm during election season with Balance 

If the 2024 election (or anything else) has you feeling anxious, give the 3-3-3 rule a try. It’s a quick and easy way to calm your mind and stay present. The next time you find yourself feeling overwhelmed—whether it’s during a political debate or just dealing with everyday stress—remember the 3-3-3 rule to help you reset.

And if you want more tools to manage anxiety and stay grounded, try the Balance app. With personalized meditation plans designed to help reduce stress, it’s the perfect companion for getting through election season—and life in general. Download the Balance app today!

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