
Express yourself with Balance’s new Journal Single

Ever find yourself overwhelmed by your thoughts and feelings? 

Journaling might be the perfect solution. Because not only does it give you a space to let it all out, but it’s also great for your mental health. 

We’ve heard your feedback, and we’re thrilled to introduce Balance's new Journal Single to make your journaling journey even better—and more personalized.

The power of journaling

Journaling isn’t just about scribbling down random thoughts—it's a powerful tool for mental health and personal growth. Studies show that writing regularly can help reduce anxiety, lift your mood, and even boost your immune system. By putting pen to paper, you get to know your emotions better and clear your mind.

All about Balance’s personalized Journal Single

If you need a little structure to get started, our guided journaling experience is perfect for you. We’ll help you settle in and give you a series of prompts to get those thoughts flowing. It’s like having a friendly guide by your side, helping you dive deep into self-reflection. You can choose to write on paper or your computer—whatever works best for you.

Or, for those who prefer to go with the flow, our freewriting journal experience is just what you need. The idea is to let your thoughts pour out onto the page without restriction or worry about making sense or being neat. This method can help you uncover emotions you didn’t even know were there and release any built-up tension. Whether you prefer paper or your computer, the goal is to let it all out—no filters.

5 tips to start journaling

You’ll be well on your way to becoming a regular journaler with these easy tips: 

  1. Pick a daily time slot: Should you journal in the morning or at night? Our printable flowchart can help you answer that. 
  2. Find your cozy spot: Choose a quiet, comfy place where you can focus on your writing without interruptions.
  3. Keep it short: Start with just a few minutes a day. As you get more comfortable, you can spend more time journaling.
  4. Be real: Write honestly about what’s on your mind. This is your space, so no need to hold back.
  5. Use prompts: Explore these journal prompts for beginners, journal prompts for mental health, and journal prompts for summer to spark your thoughts and make the process easier.

Give Balance’s Journal Single a try today

Journaling is a simple yet powerful way to boost your mental health and well-being. Whether you go for our ever-changing guided prompts or stick to a freewriting experience, Balance's new Journal Single is here to support you where you are. 

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