morning journal habit

How to build a morning journal habit like a Balance team member

Anyone who knows me can tell you that I’m pretty deliberate about my morning journal habit. 

It took a while to get here, though. I used to wake up at the last minute, rush to get ready, and dash out the door with a waffle in my hand—no journal in sight. 

But I realized that the way you spend your morning impacts the rest of your day. So, during a season of big life changes, I decided to give it my all and try something different. 

Three years in, and it’s been, well, life-changing. I’ve told everyone who will listen about the benefits of a morning journal habit, and now, I’m delighted to share mine with you. 

Keep reading to learn how I make my mornings count.

Step 1: Wake up earlier than you need to—but not as early as you think. 

I like to get up about 30-45 minutes earlier than I need to. This ensures my morning routine isn’t rushed, allowing me to fully enjoy the calm and quiet. 

The first thing I do is hop right out of bed, then promptly make it—both without looking at my phone.

Step 2: Get in a little self-care.

The first part of my routine is all about self-care:

  • Brushing my teeth
  • Washing my face
  • Using an ice roller to wake up my skin

This helps me feel refreshed and alert. The cool sensation from the ice roller is like a gentle wake-up call for my face. 

Step 3: Make coffee and begin my morning journal habit. 

Next, I make a cold brew—I’m #TeamColdCoffee all the way, every day. And as a former barista, I love this ritual. 

While sipping my cold brew, I mosey over to my office to grab my journal, then get comfy on my couch. I open a fresh page in my notebook and freewrite until I’ve filled the page, which takes me about 10 minutes. (But I’m not counting—unless I need to head out the door for a Lagree class!) 

This simple practice is the most important part of my morning. Sometimes I freewrite my to-do list; other times, I recap a meaningful conversation from the night before or share random thoughts that pop into my head. It all helps me process my thoughts and start the day with a clear mind, and the effects last all day. I really notice the difference when I skip out on my journaling habit. That’s when you know it’s a good habit to keep up. 

My rule that you’re free to break or follow: Once I finish writing, I shut the notebook and don’t read what I wrote back until I’ve filled the journal entirely. When I finally do, it turns into an activity I deeply look forward to—I reflect and offer myself kindness, especially while reading those tougher entries. This routine keeps me grounded and provides a space for self-compassion and growth.

Finding your perfect morning routine

Here’s my take on morning routines: They should be personalized, adaptable, and, most importantly, intentional. 

Maybe you love starting your day with some quiet reading time, or perhaps you jump out of your bed and into your sneakers for a neighborhood walk. Whatever it is, it should feel good and accessible to you—not what’s trending on social media. Finding your perfect morning routine is about creating a morning that supports your well-being and sets you up for a successful day.

So, ask yourself: How do I want to feel in the mornings? Let your answer guide you as you begin to build your perfect morning.

Download the Balance app for a better morning routine

I’ll say it again: How you spend your morning impacts the rest of your day.

By incorporating practices that resonate with you, you can create a routine that feels both fulfilling and manageable. And to enhance your routine, consider downloading the Balance app. 

Balance offers guided meditation sessions that can be as short or as long as you need. These sessions help you cultivate a habit that fits seamlessly into your morning. Whether you need a nudge to get started or just want to deepen your practice, Balance provides the tools to make your mornings matter.

So, give it a try. Download Balance now and discover how it can transform your mornings. Trust me, those few minutes of intentionality can make a world of difference.

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