meditation space

How to start meditating daily? Build a meditation space for it

Meditation has numerous benefits for mental and physical health, from reducing stress and anxiety to improving focus and cognitive function. However, creating a consistent meditation routine can be challenging, especially if you don't have a designated space where you can meditate without distractions.

By setting aside a specific area of your living space for meditation, you can create a physical and mental environment that supports your practice.

So keep reading to explore more benefits of creating a meditation space, what makes a good meditation space, and how to design your own home meditation space. Plus, we'll introduce you to the Balance app for meditation, which can help you enhance your meditation practice even more.

The importance of a dedicated meditation space

When you have a dedicated meditation space, you create a physical and mental environment that supports your meditation practice. 

Here are some of the specific benefits of designing a meditation space:

  • Reduced distractions: When you have a dedicated meditation space, you can minimize distractions and interruptions. You can choose a quiet location where you're less likely to be disturbed by noise or other people, or you can use soundproofing or noise-canceling headphones to create a more peaceful environment.
  • Customization: Your meditation space is entirely customizable to suit your needs and preferences. You can decorate it with calming colors or artwork, add candles or incense for aromatherapy, or incorporate any other elements that help you feel relaxed and centered.
  • Consistency: By practicing in the same location every day, you establish a routine and habit that makes it easier to stick with your meditation practice. You'll associate the space with relaxation and mindfulness, which can help you get into a meditative state more quickly and easily.
  • Mindfulness reminders: When you see your meditation space every day, it serves as a reminder to be mindful throughout the day. You may find yourself taking deep breaths or focusing on your breath whenever you catch sight of your meditation space.

What makes a good meditation space?

A good meditation space should be quiet, comfortable, and free from distractions—a place where you feel calm and relaxed, and where you can focus on your breath and your practice. 

Here are some other key elements that can contribute to a good meditation space:

  • Location: Choose a location that is quiet and free from distractions. Ideally, your meditation space should be in a room or area of your home where you can close the door and be alone with your thoughts.
  • Comfort: Your meditation space should be comfortable and inviting. Consider adding cushions or a meditation bench to make your space more comfortable.
  • Lighting: Soft, natural lighting is ideal for a meditation space. If possible, it should be in a location that gets plenty of natural light during the day.
  • Decor: Choose meditation space decor that is calming and peaceful. This might include candles, plants, or naturalistic artwork.

3 benefits of having a meditation space

In addition to enhancing your meditation practice, having a dedicated meditation space can also provide benefits for your mental well-being

Here are some specific ways that a meditation space can support your mental health: 

1. Improved focus

When you have a dedicated meditation space, you can focus on your practice without distractions. This can help you get into a meditative state more quickly and easily, and it can also help you stay focused and present during your practice.

2. Reduced stress

Meditation is a powerful tool for reducing stress, and having a dedicated meditation space can make your practice even more effective. When you have a designated space for meditation, you create a physical and mental environment that is conducive to relaxation and stress reduction.

3. Enhanced meditation practice

When you have a dedicated meditation space, you can customize the space to suit your needs and preferences. This can help you get into a meditative state more quickly and easily, and it can also help you stay focused and present during your practice.

Step-by-step guide to creating the perfect meditation space

Ready to create your own meditation space? Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1 - Choose a location: Choose a location in your home that feels peaceful and calming. This might be a spare room, a corner of your bedroom, or even a section of your living room. You want to choose a location that is free from distractions and allows you to focus on your practice without interruption. Ideally, your meditation space should be in a room or area where you can close the door and be alone with your thoughts.

Step 2 - Clear the space: Once you've chosen your location, it's time to clear the space of any clutter or distractions. You want your meditation space to be clean, organized, and free from anything that might pull your attention away from your practice. Consider removing any electronics, paperwork, or other items that might be distracting or stressful.

Step 3 - Add comfortable seating: Choose comfortable seating for your meditation space, like cushions, a meditation bench, or a comfortable chair. You want to choose seating that allows you to sit comfortably for an extended period without becoming uncomfortable or distracted. Experiment with different types of seating until you find what works best for you.

Step 4 - Add calming decor: Choose decor that is calming and peaceful, like candles, plants, or naturalistic artwork. You want your meditation space to feel like a sanctuary, so choose items that help you feel relaxed and centered. Consider using natural materials like wood or stone to create a sense of grounding.

Step 5 - Add meditation room essentials: Finally, consider adding meditation room essentials such as incense, a meditation timer, or a sound machine. These items can help you get into a meditative state more quickly and easily, and can also help you stay focused and present during your practice. Experiment with different tools and techniques until you find what works best for you.

How to personalize your meditation space

Now that you’ve got the basics, it’s time for the fun part: infusing your individuality and personal style into your meditation space. So here are our tips for personalizing your meditation space:

  • Choose meaningful items: Choose items that have personal meaning to you. This might include a favorite piece of artwork, a special cushion, or a memento from a meaningful experience. By surrounding yourself with items that have personal significance, you create an environment that feels nurturing and supportive.
  • Add personal touches: Add personal touches to your meditation space, such as a blanket you sewed, photos of loved ones, or inspiring quotes. Adding these personal touches can help you feel more comfortable and at ease in your meditation space, and can also serve as reminders of what's important to you.
  • Experiment with lighting: Lighting can have a big impact on the mood and feel of your meditation space. Consider using soft, warm lighting such as candles or lamps to create a cozy atmosphere, or experiment with colored lighting to create a more vibrant or energizing environment.
  • Use scent to enhance relaxation: Aromatherapy can be a powerful tool for enhancing relaxation and deepening your meditation practice. Consider using essential oils or incense to create a calming scent in your meditation space. Lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus are all popular scents for relaxation and stress relief.

Remember, the goal of personalizing your meditation space is to create an environment that feels welcoming and supportive to you. With just a little effort and creativity, you can create a meditation space that helps you feel calm, centered, and connected to yourself and the world around you.

Using the Balance app to enhance your meditations

Using a guided meditation app like the Balance app can enhance your practice in your new meditation space. Balance makes learning and experimenting with different meditation skills easy since it includes a variety of lessons, audio guidance, breathing exercises, and more. 

And just like you can customize your meditation space, you can also customize the app's settings to suit your needs and preferences, including your preferred expert meditation coach, background sounds, meditation length, and more. It’s all tailored to you and your unique meditation journey. 

Not to mention, Balance is completely free for your entire first year. 

Success Stories

The meditations in the Balance app are grounded in research-backed meditation techniques, and they produce real benefits. Check out a couple of success stories from individuals who have used the Balance app to help enhance their practice: 

"The instructions are clear and well-paced, and I love the instructor’s voice. So soothing. I am learning new techniques to enhance my meditation practice. Highly recommend this app!"
“I've meditated in the past, but couldn’t seem to fully commit. But this app not only made me commit, but it also enhanced my focus when I’m meditating. I've never experienced that before!” 
“This is the one app for meditation that really enhances the experience. I’ve been meditating for a few months now and felt like I was hitting a wall. This app has helped me reach the next level. Highly recommend!” 

Enhance your meditation journey with Balance

Creating a dedicated meditation space can be a powerful tool for enhancing your practice and improving your overall well-being. With just a little effort and creativity, you can create a meditation space that’s tailored to your unique needs and preferences. 

And if you’re ready to take your practice to the next level, download the Balance app on iOS or Android. It includes a range of meditation exercises designed to help you achieve calm and focus in your meditation space. And don’t forget: It’s completely free for your entire first year. So what are you waiting for? 

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