Using the Balance app for guided meditations to improve sleep quality

Get a better night’s rest with these 3 guided meditations for sleep

Good sleep is crucial, but often hard to achieve. Whether you struggle to fall asleep, stay asleep, or want better quality rest, the Balance app has guided meditations designed just for you. Here’s how these meditations can improve your sleep quality and help you wake up refreshed.

Why guided meditation is good for sleep

Guided meditations can greatly improve your sleep because they:

  • Reduce stress: They calm your mind, letting go of the day's stress.
  • Promote relaxation: They prepare your body for sleep, signaling it’s time to wind down.
  • Improve sleep continuity: They can help you fall back asleep if you wake up during the night.

Three of Balance’s guided meditations for better sleep

Which one will you try tonight?

1. Sleep Meditation

  • What it does: Helps you settle down and drift off to sleep.
  • How it works: This session guides you through relaxation techniques that ease your body into sleep, making the transition from wakefulness to sleep smooth.

2. Reflection Meditation

  • What it does: Helps you process the day’s events to make falling asleep easier.
  • How it works: This meditation allows you to review your day, release any lingering thoughts, and clear your mind for sleep.

3. Back to Sleep Meditation

  • What it does: Helps you fall back asleep if you wake up in the middle of the night.
  • How it works: This technique focuses on your breath and uses counting to shift your mind away from stress and back to sleep.

How to use guided meditations for sleep

To improve your sleep with meditations:

  1. Make your bedroom comfortable: Ensure your sleep space is quiet and relaxing.
  2. Meditate at the same time each night: This helps set your body's sleep-wake cycle.
  3. Avoid screens before bed: Limit screen time before sleeping. You can listen to Balance App meditations without needing to look at your screen.

Fall asleep and stay asleep

Download Balance today and start improving your sleep with our guided meditations. You’ll notice how much better you feel after just a few nights of better rest.

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