mom burnout

Overcoming mom burnout: Meg’s journey

Parenting is a rewarding journey, but it can also be incredibly overwhelming. Many moms experience what’s often referred to as "mom burnout," a state of chronic stress and exhaustion that can affect their mental, emotional, and physical well-being

When the pandemic hit, Meg—a yoga teacher, mother, and Balance user—found herself on the brink of this burnout. But instead of letting it take over, she turned to meditation as her go-to coping skill. Here’s how Meg used the Balance app to manage mom burnout and how you can, too.

How meditation helped Meg stay calm

During the pandemic, Meg faced an all-too-common struggle: balancing work, parenting, and the stress of an uncertain world. “I was having a hard time because my kids were quite little, and I was already struggling somewhat with balancing everything” she shared. 

Meditation became a lifeline for her, helping her calm her mind and find a bit of peace. Here’s what made a difference:

  • Following a structured plan: Having a set meditation routine gave Meg a sense of direction and helped her stay on track.
  • Breathwork and grounding techniques: These techniques were essential in managing her stress, not just during meditation but throughout the day.

Why guided meditation worked for her mom burnout

One thing that kept Meg coming back to her meditation practice was the connection she felt with Ofosu and Leah, Balance’s expert meditation coaches. “I love that you have two meditation coaches who are real people—they weren’t just disembodied voices on the app,” she said. 

For parents, feeling connected and supported can be a game-changer. Here’s why this mattered:

  • Familiar voices: Having the same meditation coaches made Meg feel like she wasn’t doing this alone. “It felt like they were on this journey with me,” she added.
  • Building a routine: This connection helped her stick with her practice, making it easier to keep going, even on tough days.

Making meditation a daily habit

As a busy parent, Meg knew she needed mental health coping skills that fit into her day. And she found that short, flexible meditation sessions worked best. “Using the app’s mood-based meditation feature allowed me to tailor my sessions to how I was feeling each day,” she explained. 

Here’s how she made it work:

  • Finding time in small moments: Whether it was during a quick break or before bed, Meg found moments to meditate that didn’t disrupt her day.
  • Matching her mood: By choosing meditations that aligned with how she felt, she got more out of each session.

Bringing the kids into the practice

Meg didn’t keep meditation to herself—she involved her kids, turning it into a shared family activity that benefited everyone’s mental health in these two specific ways:

  • Better sleep for everyone: The sleep meditations helped calm her kids before bed, making it easier for them to fall asleep.
  • A shared activity: Meditation became something they could do together, creating a calming, supportive environment for her kids.

Using meditation for more than just productivity

Meg was clear that meditation isn’t just about getting more done—it’s about feeling better. “I don’t think meditation should just be a tool to make us more productive,” she said. Instead, she focused on using it to boost her overall well-being. 

So, how did she approach it?

  • Self-care, not another chore: Meditation became a way for Meg to prioritize her mental health and take care of herself. She didn’t see it as just another item on her to-do list but as a vital practice for maintaining her well-being.
  • Focusing on long-term benefits: Meg viewed meditation as a long-term investment in her mental health. She focused on the cumulative benefits, like reduced stress and improved mood, not just her productivity

Practical meditation tips you can try today

Meg’s journey offers some simple, relatable tips for overcoming mom burnout: 

  • Start small: Even a few minutes of meditation can make a difference in how you feel.
  • Get the family involved: Meditation can be a calming, bonding activity for everyone.
  • Stay consistent: Regular practice, even in small doses, is more effective than long sessions that are hard to keep up.
  • Find what fits your life: Try different types of meditation to see what works best for you.


Meg’s journey shows just how powerful meditation can be for managing stress and taking care of your mental health as a parent. It’s not about finding hours of free time—because, let’s be honest, who has that? It’s about carving out small moments in your day to breathe, reset, and build resilience. These little moments of peace can make all the difference in your busy life.

So, if you’re a mom or parent struggling with burnout, try meditation with the Balance app. 

Like Meg, you can start small, keep it simple, and discover how even a few minutes of mindfulness each day can have a big impact. With personalized meditations that adapt to your needs, Balance makes it easy to integrate self-care into your routine. Download the Balance app today and see how it can help bring some much-needed peace into your life.

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