holiday reflections on authenticity

A heartfelt holiday reflection from Coach Ofosu

As I look at the yet-to-be-decorated Christmas tree standing in our living room, I am reminded that the holiday season is in full swing. 

As a father with kids ranging between college and elementary school age, it’s always interesting to see this time of year through their eyes. The magic of the holiday season is alive in different ways for each of them. While my younger kids are still excited about toys, electronics, and the festiveness of it all, my older children seem to be more content with having time to relax and be close to family. What I love about each of these perspectives is that it feels authentic to who each of my children is in this moment of their lives. 

And as I reflect on what the holidays mean for me personally, I’m inspired by my children to think about what living authentically really means. 

Living authentically amid life’s changes 

Our lives are full of the ebbs and flows of inner and outer circumstances, from the dramatic to the mundane. If we’re not careful, the ups and downs of life can sweep us along from day to day without us having a say in whether or not the way we are engaging with life really reflects our values, aspirations, and perspectives. There’s a lot we don’t have control over, but what we can control is how we engage with the world within us and around us. 

As I get older, I find that no matter what circumstances I find myself in, three things are consistently important to me: my family, my meditation practice, and my work as a musician and coach. Although life is defined by perpetual uncertainty, I feel grounded in my purpose as long as I am considering these three factors in the choices I make inwardly and outwardly. Examining my life and being clear on what’s most important to me gives me the frame of reference I need to make sure that I’m living authentically. Knowing what matters most to me helps me to focus my energies in those directions so that even at those points when I’m feeling exhausted or facing challenges, I know it’s all in service of living in an authentic way and being true to what matters most. So I guess that’s what I would like to share in this letter to you, my friend. 

Taking a moment to reflect 

It’s been a gift that I’ve given myself to take time to reflect on what matters most to me so that I can live a life that feels authentic and true to my heart. As the year draws to a close, we have an opportunity to reflect, reframe, and refocus so that we can live a life that feels true to who we are. 

Perhaps take some time in the busyness of the holiday season to think about what matters most to you and how you might be able to make choices that are in service of those things. It doesn’t have to be anything huge, and it certainly doesn’t mean you have to change things overnight. But having a goal to live as authentically as possible, and making the small choices inside and out that honor who you truly are, will help you to arrive where you want to be.

No matter what, please remember to be kind to yourself. You are enough.

With love,


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